Money Mentorship

The 'life-changing' new money method couples are using to find fast mode.

Join 600 + couples making it happen, every month.

Learn more

Hello legend,

If you want to get on the same page with your partner, play to your strengths, and use money to win the game of life

This might just be the most important page you ever visit.

Here’s why:

Let’s face it… most couples know what they want. They just don’t know how to work TOGETHER with their money to make it happen.

In fact, I’d say it’s the number one life limiter. The biggest buzzkill.

And it puts a big ol handbrake on your progress 🛑

But here’s the good news...

We’ve worked 1:1, hand in hand, belly to belly with over 600 couples over the last five years.

And we’ve helped them find the fix.

Working backwards from the problem is what allowed us to create our ground breaking new solution.

It is not a prescription that dictates what you can or can’t do with your money.

It is a practice that equips you with the skills and smarts to figure out HOW to go after what you want.

Here’s just a few things it will help you and your partner figure out:


🏡 Buy the choices you want

Personal finance isn’t about maximising return on money. It’s about maximising return on life. When you’re making the most of each others strengths, you’ll be able to live life on your own terms.

girl with boy

🫶 Pursue the things that matter

Wealth is having more of what you value. And only when you collaborate constructively with money will you waste less time tolerating what you hate, and spend more time doing what you love.

A family takes a photo at sunset

🏕️ Fund lasting memories

Success isn’t about dying with the most money, it’s about dying with the least regrets. Making decisions together is how you make big things happen and find joy in the journey.

Whilst you

🏖️ Set yourselves up for the future

Compounding can’t happen without consistency. When you’ve found the balance between spending in line with your values and investing toward your shared vision, you’ll enjoy the present knowing the future is covered.

This one’s for the action oriented 😉 that you?

The ugly truth:
most couples work hard but go slow.

Here's why most couples never reach their performance potential.
Here are the 5 warning signs of that you might be limited by dysfunctional harmony.
“Why didn’t you check with me first?” - Trust Deficit
As life moves on, things speed up. And it can be hard to be across everything together at all times, so at times one or both partners can feel ‘out of the loop’.
‘Let’s just not talk about it” - Conflict Aversion
You agree on most things, but have different ideas about money. And talking about it only creates stress and tension. So you resolve to talk less and do more.
‘Let’s just not talk about it” - Conflict Aversion
The tendency to avoid money talk at all costs. Usually because previous attempts only ever created distance and detachment.
“Yolo, we’ll figure it out later” - Aimless Spending
You’ve worked hard to get where you are, but money feels like more work. So you assign it to some mythical future version of yourselves. Or assume a windfall will fix it.
“It’s just easier if I do it” - Silo'd Decision Making
if working together hasn’t quite worked, it can seem easier to just carve out your own roles and responsibilities. But you wind up living more like house mates than soul mates.
“It’s just easier if I do it” - Silo'd Decision Making
There’s very little collaboration or consultation - unless it’s a crisis. One person does it their way and bears the full mental load, or both people act independently.
“Why don’t we have what they have?- Externalized Comparison
As a couple, you have shared values. But you’ve never translated them into a shared vision. So you look at what others have as measures of progress and often feel like your failing.

How to find your financial fast mode.

After coaching 600+ couples across the last five years. we’ve found that it all boils down to four simple steps

Step 1

Create a compelling shared vision.

Have a facilitated conversation about the choices, experiences and achievements you want for now and later.

Skill: future Authoring
person in the lotus position
Step 2

Engineer your environment for success.

Get your financial house in order by building a customised banking structure that is geared toward your goals. When you have a clear line of sight from todays decisions to tomorrow’s goals, you’ll make mindful money decisions without even thinking about it.

Skill: monitoring vitals
Step 3

Master the principles of wealth creation.

Access game changing, time saving tools to seamlessly integrate your cashflow with your goals. Having a worms eye and a birds eye view of your finances gives you a sense of calm and control that would make a monk look anxious.

Skills: income mapping, forecasting
clouds with lightning
Step 4

Make the big money moves.

Overcome procrastination and perfectionism by mapping out your strategy. Next, define the concrete steps to convert your active income into a money machine that pays you whether or not you’re at work. Then start walking the path to prosperity.

Skill: master planning
"As an accountant, I used to get my back up thinking I should be able to do this, but we weren't managing this well together. This just stops all the fighting, and we actually can't believe what we've accomplished in twelve months"
- Katie, accountant

Why it works..

The research is clear, couples who actively engage with their money do better and stress less.

The Proven Pathway
to results 👇

The Money Mentorship

The mentorship is an immersive personal development program for personal finance. 
This is how you’ll learn the money mapping method: how to work WITH (not for) money to fund the life you want.

Proven pathway

We’ve spent years making all the mistakes and figuring out what doesn’t work. And that’s how we’ve discovered what does. Instead of reading all the books and spending time and money to sift through all the noise, you can work

video call with a mentor

Expert 1:1 mentorship

Even though you’re self starter, sometimes you just need someone to walk you through it. We’re here for that. This isn’t a ‘thanks, here’s everything… good luck’ experience. We’ll hold your hand through the scary bits if you need it. And we’ll keep you accountable to your goals if you need it.

Live group coaching

If you’re here, you probably want to make better decisions with better information. But you might not be a numbers nerd. That’s more than fine. Life isn’t lived in a spreadsheet (sorry nerds). Life is something you create with every decision.

We’ll train you to use clever tools and tech that do the number crunching for you. This way you get to be CEO of your finances without wasting time trying to be an accountant.

Connected community

We’re taught not to talk about money, and that’s why most of us are in the dark about it. The science shows that learning and behaviour change is a social phenomenon.
And that’s why we’ve gone to extreme lengths to ensure you never feel alone.

Our community is the place you come to ask questions, find information and start meaningful conversations. If there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that the best way to stay on track is to walk that track with others.

We'll show you our playbook 😁

Access world first personal finance tech  

Not everyone’s a number nerd. You can throw away the spreadsheets, we’ve built our own personal finance tech. Our tools do the heavy lifting, so you make great decisions without spending hours in statements.

Use behaviour science, gamification and positive psychology to:


Make proactive
decisions (together)

See where your
money goes

Make progress

Know when (and how)
you’ll hit your goals

The winning ingredients

What you need...

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    A growth mindset. You believe you can change, grow and evolve as a person.
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    A commitment to the process. You're willing to invest a little time now to make things easier later.
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    A willingness to be coached. You're open to exploring new ideas and trying new things.

...and what you don't!

  • A love of numbers or spreadsheets. It's true, this ain't about numbers. It's about you.
  • An existing knowledge about money. In some ways the less you know the better. There's less to unlearn that way.
  • A PHD in rocket science. If you know fourth grade math, you've got the tools Jules.

Your Coaches

Ryan & Terry are the creators of the Money Mentorship. The pair combined their unique superpowers to create this experience after realizing most financial development pathways fail to help people make meaningful progress.
Terry Condon, MBA
Ryan saw the ‘behaviour gap’ that often exists in personal finance, and teamed up with Terry to fill it.
With a background in high performance coaching and management consulting, he has honed the ability to make important insights more accessible. He also understands how create the necessary conditions for positive personal change.
Ryan Monaghan, MFP
Terry worked with Ryan to get started investing. And this experience showed him how important it is to make information and education actionable.
Ryan’s qualifications in finance and a keen interest in technology means he is exceptional at creating tools that make principles actionable.
Seen enough? This is your bat signal
Green Octonaut, 29/11/2023
Life changing + behavioural science
This podcast will make you to reevaluate your approach to life. The blend of behavioural science with financial education is amazing (and enjoyable). I have been able to apply concepts from this pod to my finances, work, and personal life. Keep up the great work guys
Steve Morphett, 02/11/2023
Life changing stuff
A fantastic podcast that drives straight through some of the traditional structured finance ideas. I love how it focuses on human emotion and the decision bias to enable your money (or minions) to work harder for you. The podcast started the fire and have taken the next step into the mentorship which is well worth it.Well done Terry and Ryan you are changing our lives.
Mortvet, 12/12/2023
Never too old
After listening to all the available podcasts then working through the Money Mentorship program with Ryan I now have the best grasp of my financial situation that I have had in my entire life of 61 years. The Passive Income Project Podcast and Cashflowco have made a huge difference to how I manage my finances and spending and I have even gained enough knowledge to dabble efficiently and safely in Bitcoin. Well done boys!
Jordan Ravanelli, 19/07/2023
Holistic and thorough
Terry and Ryan provide a comprehensive understanding of the world of money, making the podcast an easy listen for those just starting out, and engaging for seasoned financial veterans. Their practices are ground in theories that are impossible to ignore, considering various psychological and social principles to ensure a holistic approach to money. This style of financial education not only boosts the bank account, but enriches the listener as an individual.
Ange and Franky, 18/07/2023
When you outgrow Barefoot Investor!
Thanks guys for helping my husband and I take the next steps in reaching our goals and become even more motivated together as a team! We have for years followed Scott Pape’s bucket system and financial philosophy, which is great, but we’ve realised we’ve become stuck and feel like we’re not progressing! Thanks for inspiring us to take more action toward passive income and shedding light on the psychology behind our money decisions. Your podcast and mentorship program is proof that financial talk and advice is not just for 70 year old somethings with millions of dollars worth of assets, but for ordinary younger folks that are still working on getting there!
Caseyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, 07/12/2023
I wish I found this sooner!!!
Absolutely amazing. I’m 8 episodes in in 2 days. I wish I found these guys sooner. Aussie guys explaining finance. Finally. Stop what you’re doing right now and start from #1.

What our go getting couples say 😉

This is how and why
our couples win:

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    Save time (make money).
    When you buy into this method you buy back the 5 years, and tens of thousands we’ve spent developing the pathway and proprietary tools that work. Which means you don’t waste time and money trying to figure out what’s already been figured out 🤙
  • checkmark
    Accountability = achievement
    Humans don’t like letting humans down. And they don’t like losing anything. Investing in 1:1 support within a community of practice is suuuper smart. Because it let’s you hack into your human wiring and use it to accelerate achievement.
  • checkmark
    Die with zero (regrets)
    There’s a hidden benefit to doing this with your partner. New research shows 87% of couples who work together with their money report higher levels of satisfaction on their relationships. Deeper connection means more daring adventures.

Ready to rock?

Step 1
Tell us about you
Fill out a simple application, so we can tailor our conversation to you.
Step 2
Find a time to chat
Schedule your free coaching call with us for when it suits you most.
Step 3
Choose path & start
We’ll work with you to uncover the right path forward, so you are clear on what to do next.

I was totally shocked and surprised that we've been able to make this much progress in such a short space of time.

Helen and Chace

🎧 Listen to their story

happy family


Do you have more information?

Sure do. The best place to start is watching the video 👆. If you’ve already done this, the next best place to go is this episode on the podcast. This runs you through the design ethos and principles of the program. And also the evidence for everything we do at each stage of the process.

These are only secondary sources of info though. If you want to really get the highest fidelity info, you’ll want to book an action setting call. This is far and away the best way to determine the actual value and get any question you have answered in real time.

And don’t worry, we’re not about selling you. If this is for you, you’ll know it. We’re simply here to help you with your decision and facilitate the process :)

How Long Does This Take?

Depends on how fast you want to go. We’ve seen people smash this out in less than a month. But the average couple moves through in about 8 weeks. Typical time investment for that period is about 1.5 Netflix eps a week :)

How much access do we get?

Alot. Theres two layers of 1:1 support, and two layers of one to many support.

At the one to one level, our couples get a coach who guides them through the process. While also working hand in hand with Ryan as the mentor. Think of your coach as your big brother/sister, and your mentor as a friendly tutor/trainer who equips you with the skills and tools.

At the one to many level, you can access 3 x monthly group coaching calls. These are centred around elements of the money mapping method and work like ‘office hours’ open Q&A.

You’ll also get exclusive access to our ‘members lounge’. This is a global community of practice chock full of like minded legends just like you! Think of like our digital tree house. A place we go to swap stories, share ideas and support each other en route to our goals.

How does it make sense to spend money, if we're trying to get on top of our money?

Good question. It makes sense when you consider what you’ve already paid. And what you will likely pay in the future. See there is a real cost to not knowing how to work with money to get what you want.

But it’s not obvious because it’s not an out of pocket expense. It’s more like a tax. You never really see what you missed out on getting. If you want to get a sense for what this ‘ignorance tax’ has already cost you consider two questions:

  1. What opportunities and experiences have you forgone because of finances?
  2. What choices would you likely have now if you had invested time and money to figure this out 3 years ago, 5 years ago? ten years ago?

So, when you consider what it cost not to know this stuff, it makes sense to invest in yourself to minimise those costs for your future. In fact it’s one of the highest value, cheapest  deals you’ll ever do. If you want to know why, click here.

What if I can’t get my partner on board?

Ah yeah this can be a tough one. Especially if you’ve tried and failed to have the ‘money talk’ in the past. We feel you 😔. Here’s our advice: consider asking a different question.

Instead of wondering ‘what if I can’t get them on board?’ ask ‘ how can I get them on board? The answers to that question might surprise you. But if you’re coming up with donuts, we’ve got you covered. Just click here to access a gift we’ve made just for you 😉

Do you work with singles?

Yes. We’ve helped plenty of singles smash their goals over the years. The reason we’re speaking directly to couples here is because we’ve learned that our method is particularly effective at helping couples better work together with their money. And it turns out this is problem remains largely unsolved.

But money mapping works just as well for you if you’re flying solo. And if you have plans of coupling up you’ll be extremely well set up to do so. Many of our singles who’ve partnered up swear by it :)

Ok let’s level with each other... 🙋♂️

If you’re reading this part, it’s because of one of two things. Either you don’t have the information you need. OR you’re worried about making a mistake.

Both are totally reasonable concerns.


There’s only one way you can actually address these concerns once and for all. And that’s by clicking the button below.

This is HOW you’ll get all the info you need to make a sound decision.

We’ll let you know if this isn’t for you. And I’ll tell you why.

It’s because our success must come AFTER yours. So if we’re not sure you can be successful in our model we’ll tell you. Anyone can do this, but it’s NOT for everyone.

This is why we cap out intakes, and its why you’ll need submit an application and speak to a coach before signing up.

Still struggling to decide? Click here